
How To Broken Glass Repair

How To: Fix Cracked Glass

Repair a cracked window, glass tabletop, or fifty-fifty a mirror with this like shooting fish in a barrel step-past-step guide.

How to Fix a Crack in Glass


A pebble from the lawnmower tossed against a window. A drink fix down too heavily on your glass-topped coffee table. A favorite vase tipped over by your curious cat. These and near-endless other scenarios tin lead to a cleft in glass. Sadly, drinking glass that has cleaved into pieces or has cracks larger than an inch, also as double-paned glass with a hole through both panes, is pretty much across repair.

The good news is you tin ofttimes fix a small cleft in glass yourself with little more than a steady paw and a few basic supplies. You'll need to fix a crevice in glass right abroad, however, equally small ones can abound into larger breaks if exposed to moisture, temperature swings, dirt, or crude treatment.

Earlier you brainstorm, note:

The following guide on how to repair a crack in glass volition practise the job for single-pane-drinking glass household items. This includes tabletops, shower doors, vases, and single-pane windows—as well as double-pane windows with a fissure in only one of the panes. It's not intended for repairing a cracked car windshield, which requires a syringe to inject resin into the cleft and a plunger to maintain the vacuum betwixt the windshield'due south layers of glass.

While yous can fix a cracked mirror with this technique, the reflection is spring to show the repair a flake more than on regular glass. You'll get best results with a minor crack on the sides of a mirror, out of the direct line of vision.

How to Fix a Crack in Glass


Tools & Materials
  • Liquid dishwashing soap
  • Cotton rags
  • 2-part epoxy
  • Putty knife
  • Razor bract
  • Acetone
  • See total list «
  • Drinking glass cleaner
  • Paper plates
  • Toothpicks

Footstep 1: Make clean the glass with dish lather.

Launder the glass around the crack with a drop or two of dishwashing lather on a damp cloth. Yous'll want to remove any grit, oil, or fingerprints, and then wipe the spot with a clean clammy textile to remove the lather residual. Let the drinking glass dry completely.

STEP 2: Mix up the 2-part epoxy.

In a well-ventilated area, ready a two-part epoxy on a piece of cardboard or a dispensable plate. These adhesives (which can plant in many craft stores, home improvement centers, or on accept a split resin and hardener that are mixed together at the time of apply.

RELATED: The Right Glue for Every Repair Task

How to Fix a Crack in Glass

Photo: via Gorilla Glue

While the mixture is oft a 50/fifty alloy of the resin and the hardener, follow the directions on your specific product. Utilize a toothpick to mix the epoxy for at least twenty seconds. In one case the epoxy is mixed, be ready to employ it immediately, as it will rapidly thicken and harden. Mostly, you'll have five to ten minutes of working time before the epoxy is too thick to easily seep into the crack.

Pace 3: Employ the epoxy to the crevice in the glass using a putty knife.

Printing the epoxy over and into the crack with a putty pocketknife. Work the adhesive back and forth beyond the crack, gently pressing it into the damaged expanse. Let the epoxy cure for at least 5 minutes.

STEP 4: Remove excess epoxy with a razor blade and allow the rest cure.

Scrape away excess epoxy with a razor blade, and then wipe the area with a make clean rag moistened with acetone to further remove epoxy that'south raised above the crack. Let the repaired glass cure for 24 hours.

STEP 5: Spiff upward the surface with a glass cleaner.

Polish the drinking glass with a clean rag and glass cleaner, and enjoy your repaired detail.


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