
Do You Need Contractor To Repair Outdoor Stairs

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Stairs are an essential function of many construction projects, from decks to interiors. Information technology tin seem daunting to think of making your own, just they're actually made of just three chief parts: stringers, treads, and risers. Stringers are diagonal ii in × 12 in (5.1 cm × 30.5 cm) boards that support people's weight as they walk up the stairs. Treads are the superlative baseboards onto which you stride, and risers are placed perpendicularly under each tread. Measure and cutting the stringers accurately, and the other parts will mostly fall into place.

  1. one

    Measure the tiptop of the expanse where y'all will install the stairs. This is also chosen the total rise. If you lot don't program to brand the top step level with the area where the stairs begin, be sure to account for this gap in your measurement.[1]

    • For case, if you are building stairs to go upwardly to a deck, and you measure 3 anxiety (0.91 m) from the ground to the summit of the deck, so this is the total rising.
    • If you lot want the stairs to stop 3 inches (7.6 cm) from the top of the deck, however, count the total rise as 2.75 anxiety (0.84 m).
  2. two

    Divide the total rise by the typical rise per step. This volition requite you the total number of steps on your stairs. The typical rise per step is well-nigh vi.5–8 inches (17–xx cm), but you'll probably apply a slightly unlike elevation for the actual ascension.[2]

    • For example, if your total rise is 95 inches (240 cm), divide it by 7 inches (18 cm) to get 13.53. Round down to get the number of steps: 13.


  3. iii

    Divide the total rising by the number of steps to get the actual rise per stride. Retrieve this will probably be slightly dissimilar than the typical rising acme. Finding the actual rise per step will ensure that your steps are notwithstanding pinnacle, no matter what your overall rise is.[3]

    • To continue with the same example, split 95 inches (240 cm) by thirteen steps to get 7.3125 inches (18.574 cm). On your stringer, each step volition rise 7.3125 inches (18.574 cm).
  4. 4

    Establish the run of each step. The run (tread width) of each step should be no less than nine inches (23 cm) and realistically at least 10 inches (25 cm). This allows enough space for the average foot to footstep comfortably and safely.[four] [5]

    • As a rule of thumb, the width of the treads and risers added together should equal between 16–xviii inches (41–46 cm).
    • So, if your riser is 7 inches (18 cm) tall, your tread should be anywhere from 9–11 inches (23–28 cm) long.
  5. 5

    Find the total run of the staircase. The full run is the horizontal distance the stairs will travel from first to end. To notice this, simply multiply the total number of steps by the run of each step.

    • For example, the total run in our hypothetical example is 130 inches (330 cm): 13 total steps x ten inches (25 cm) (tread width) each = 130 inches (330 cm) full run.
  6. 6

    Determine if your stairs need landings. The longest boards suitable for edifice stairs will probably be xvi feet (4.nine m) long. This means you will probably max out at nigh every 14 steps. If your stairs have a long ascension and run, you can install landings. Still, y'all tin install landings on any staircase, if yous adopt.

    • If your staircase will have landings, consider each section of stairs as its own mini staircase.
  7. 7

    Calculate the length of the stringers. The stringers are the pieces of wood that will run diagonally underneath the length of the steps to hold them up. These are what your risers and treads will somewhen exist attached to. Determine their length the same way yous make up one's mind the hypotenuse of a right triangle in geometry:[6]

    • Multiply the horizontal length (run) past itself, multiply the height by itself, and add together the two results together. Then, find the square root of this sum.
    • Keeping with the previous example, sqr(130 ten 130) + (95 x 95) = 161 inches (409 cm)
  8. eight

    Determine how you will attach the stairs to the existing structure. If the stairs will sit flush with the vertical confront of the structure, attach your stringers to the existing framework. However, if the stairs won't sit flush with the existing construction (such every bit if they will attach to a deck with an overhang), be certain to either create a secondary support organisation or modify the tops of your stringers.[seven]

    • For case, if your stairs volition mount below an overhang of a deck, making sure that the top step isn't level with the top of the deck.
    • Instead, make the total ascent slightly shorter and attach support posts to the top of the stringers.
  9. ix

    Count how many stringers you will need. To foreclose your steps from sagging or bowing as you stride on them, a wide staircase will demand plenty of stringers underneath to keep it evenly supported. A very narrow staircase might be able to go away with having only two stringers, simply information technology's best to start at 3 and work your way upward as necessary.[8]

    • For safety reasons, the stringers should be spaced approximately 16 inches ( cm) apart.
    • Wider staircases are generally preferable to narrower ones because they are much easier and more than comfortable to navigate.


  1. 1

    Lay out a sufficiently long piece of 2 in × 12 in ( cm × thirty.v cm) lumber. Don't cutting it downwardly to length but all the same. It will sit at an angle that depends on the height and depth of your steps, and the ends will have to be modified.[9]

  2. 2

    Mark a carpenter'south foursquare to the height and depth of your steps. In our instance, you lot would need to mark it at 7.3125 inches (18.574 cm) on one side by 10 inches (25 cm) on the other. Be certain y'all know which side corresponds with the height (riser) and which side corresponds with the depth (tread).[x]

    • Look for stair gauges at a hardware shop. These are minor knobs you can adhere to your carpenter'due south square at the right measurements to make marking and cutting a cakewalk.
  3. three

    Modify the top of the stringer to account for the overall angle. This angle will depend on the size of your steps. To do this properly:[11]

    • Place the carpenter's foursquare over one corner of the lumber. Lay the side marking the height along the end of the lumber and the side mark the step depth along the length of the lumber.
    • Draw a line between the step-tiptop and step-depth marks. This line marks the horizontal top of your stringer.
    • Mark the line and then that its length is equivalent to the depth of one stair.
    • Use the foursquare to draw a perpendicular line from the terminate of the board to the spot you merely marked.
    • Cut along these lines.
  4. 4

    Measure and marker each pace along the piece of lumber. Using the horizontal elevation of the stringer every bit a reference point, measure out and draw a line down a distance equal to the meridian of ane stride. Then measure out and describe a line across a distance equal to the depth of the step. Echo this, moving down until you've drawn the necessary number of steps.[12] [13]

  5. v

    Utilize a circular saw or paw saw to cut the step notches. If using a circular power saw, cut to the edge of the marks on the stringers. Stop saw cuts aneeight ane4 inch (0.32–0.64 cm) short of the opposite lines, and then use a handsaw or jigsaw to end.[14]

  6. 6

    Square off the bottom of the stringer so that it will sit flush with the ground. Draw a line parallel to the top of the final step notch, and perpendicular to the side of it (where the lesser riser will eventually go). Cut this away to make the bottom of the stringer flush with the ground.[xv]

  7. 7

    Examination the stringer by setting it in identify. Cut the elevation and bottom of the stringer to fit, then test-fit it before cutting it out. Brand sure the elevation is accurate. The stringer should sit affluent with the ground or floor and as well with the point at the top where information technology volition attach to the existing structure.

  8. 8

    Use the first stringer as a template off of which to base the next stringers. Lay the first completed stringer downwards on a ii in × 12 in (v.ane cm × xxx.5 cm) board and just trace the outline of the first stringer onto the other 2 in × 12 in (5.i cm × 30.5 cm) boards. Then cut as necessary.


  1. ane

    Install the stringers. There are many ways to attach the tops of the stringers to the structure. One easy style is to spiral metal joist hangers to the floor joists or deck supports. Bulldoze screws through the holes in the joist hangers, putting one edge flush with the cease of the stringer and the other confronting the joist.

    • Prepare the bottoms of the stringers on a business firm basis like physical, woods flooring, or even a block of treated lumber on summit of gravel (for outside stairs).[16]
  2. 2

    Secure and stabilize the stringers by installing risers (toe boards). Stringers are normally made from 1 in × six in (ii.5 cm × 15.2 cm) wood. Though yous can do without them, screwing these planks vertically between each step will make the stairs look nicer, and last longer.[17]

    • Cut i in × 6 in (2.5 cm × xv.two cm) boards to the width of your stairs. Secure each stringer with 2.v in (6.iv cm) screws.
    • Ensure that the riser height is exactly the same for each step.
  3. three

    Install the treads. Cut lumber to be at or slightly longer than the tread run in width, and as long as the stairs are wide (or just wider, if you prefer a slight overhang on the ends of your stairs. Secure the treads to the steps of the stringers with ii.5 in (6.4 cm) screws over each stringer.[18]

    • For instance, you could cut 1 in × 10 in (2.5 cm × 25.iv cm) lumber to the width of the stairs, and use this for your treads.
    • For a special touch, utilize two boards and leave a 18 14 inch (0.32–0.64 cm) between them. For instance, yous could cutting 1 in × 5 in (ii.five cm × 12.7 cm) boards to the width of the stairs, and install two on each pace, with a gap between them.
    • To make extra-strong steps place two in × iv in (5.1 cm × 10.two cm) boards on both sides of the centre stringer under the treads.
  4. iv

    Attach trim boards to the outer stringers (optional). Trim boards can give your stairs a little more form by covering up the ends of the risers and treads. Cut 2 in × 12 in (5.1 cm × 30.v cm) boards to the same length and angle as your stringers, but do not cut step notches into them. Place the cut lumber over the ends of your stairs, and fix into place with two.5 in (6.4 cm) screws.[19]

  5. 5

    Varnish, paint, or seal your stairs if necessary. Consider treating the forest against the elements, specially if the stairs will exist outdoors. Fifty-fifty if you're building indoor-utilize stairs, finishing them will exist a safeguard against everyday wear and tear, and beautify the end product.

    • Nearly whatever varnish, stain, or paint will work just fine for stairs. You tin besides utilise non-slip paint or put non-slip adhesive pads on the stairs.


Add together New Question

  • Question

    What material can I employ under steps to quieten down the noisiness?

    Community Answer

    Use a console adhesive nether each tread where information technology lays on top of stringers, earlier nailing. This is simply like when framers (expert framers that is) use same adhesive before installing decking to floor joists. This tin can be bought in caulking tubes at any lumber chiliad.

  • Question

    How many steps should I brand if they are 108 inches?

    Community Answer

    Fifteen steps for 7 3/sixteen" rise, or fourteen for 7 3/iv" rise. Recollect that the stringer steps are ane less than the actual steps. You could become with the 15, and 4 stringers if you knew a piano was being moved up them. 1/2" with 800+lbs makes a big divergence. If the tempest room is under the stairway, the extra stringers overhead can't hurt.

  • Question

    Tin a pocket-size staircase be supplied in kit class?

    Community Answer

    Stringers of 3 to five steps can be purchased from your local lumber store. You can purchase them and the necessary step boards, cut to length, and get together.

  • Question

    How do I cut stringers when the bottom stride is on a diagonal?

    Community Answer

    The bottom run length will be longer on the outside step side. Chances are very expert your beam itself volition not be wide enough for information technology, then y'all will need to mucilage and brace some lumber on top face up to compensate for the run. Rather than waste the coin buying 2 feet longer beams for a run, if yous needed 2.75", just build a shelf for offset footstep and mounted stringers to it. This lets you employ pressure treated lumber where it mounts to cement floor as well, solving 2 things with the one solution.

  • Question

    How practise I support whole steps, on an existing open up staircase in the basement in a very former home?

    Community Answer

    As long as the wood is solid you can apply Simpson Strongtie wood brackets. They come in many varieties and styles and will very strongly spike wood boards together.

  • Question

    How tin I make steps that are a petty deeper?

    Community Answer

    Your Increment the width of the stringer and tread. You can integrate the additional stringer by creating a channel on 1 stringer and a tongue on the other. Use an adhesive such equally PL Premium.

  • Question

    Should employ screws for raise and tread, or nails?

    Tom Medeiros

    Tom Medeiros

    Community Answer

    It really depends on how you lot will finish the stairs. Screws and liquid nails create the strongest and quietest stairs. If the treads volition be stained, so liquid nails and finishing nails will create the best finished look. If yous are carpeting them, screws or nails are fine.

  • Question

    Can the stairs be made with TREX cloth?

    Community Answer

    I wouldn't try to brand stringers with it, but treads and risers wouldn't be a problem.

  • Question

    I am rebuilding my forepart porch steps. At that place is about an inch and a half difference between the run on the left and right sides. How exercise I compensate for that departure and still maintain level steps?

    Community Answer

    Simply as with stairs going to a floor, the bottom pace riser will exist different (unremarkably the thickness of the stair peak textile will exist shorter), and then leave your lesser steps longer and either scratch the basis to make each stringer level, or cutting the bottom to fit.

  • Question

    How do I attach the bottom of the stair (to a balcony) on a floor that is covered in ceramic tile?

    Community Answer

    Use a diamond bit to drill holes directly through the tile and into the cement. Then utilize cement screws to attach the Simpson Strong Tie to the cement. You tin can also add a little cement-all into the holes in the concrete to brand the screws really grip. Utilise basics with lock washers and bolts to attach the Simpson Stiff Tie to the stairs. If the tile is on a raised woods flooring, attach it with nuts and bolts to the flooring.

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  • Brand sure the material you are using for the landing is in identify before y'all lay out the steps to avoid trip hazards.

  • Recollect that the lesser pace has the supporting forest underneath it, smaller in height than the other steps to business relationship for the height of the offset step that volition be nailed onto it.


  • Always check building codes that apply in your area. These may stipulate particular minimums or maximums for step runs and rises, the number of stringers that are necessary, etc.


Things Yous'll Need

  • Circular saw or crosscut hand saw
  • Carpenter framing square
  • Stair gauges
  • Corded or cordless drill
  • Screws (at to the lowest degree ii.5 inches (6.4 cm))
  • Metal flooring joist hangers
  • 2 in × 10 in (5.ane cm × 25.4 cm) planks for stringers
  • 2 in × six in (5.i cm × 15.two cm) planks for steps
  • 1 in × 6 in (2.v cm × fifteen.2 cm) planks for toe and foot boards

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Article Summary X

To build stairs, start by cutting the stringers, which are the pieces of woods that run diagonally under the stairs and hold them up. Then, install the stringers to the superlative and bottom of the area where you're building the stairs by screwing them into metal joists. In one case the stringers are in place, install vertical risers between each step on the stringers. Then, secure the treads to the steps of the stringers, which is what you'll actually be stepping on when you use the stairs. Finally, employ a varnish, paint, or seal to the stairs to protect them against wear and tear. If you want to learn how to calculate how many steps y'all need for your stairs, keep reading the article!

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