
How To Repair A Broken Wire In Toy Battery Box

Nosotros were extremely happy to recieve a smashing toy for the kids (Thanks Mom!) this toy is a ride on toy.


Tomas the Railroad train (to be exact) ride on Toy. While I assume information technology probably has a ton of bells and whistles and mayhap even talks. Mom says, she doesn't think information technology works, but the kids tin can even so ride it – Dad already took a wait at it, but says it can't be stock-still…

Then, I have a look under the seat to find the battery compartment. 100_2707

We couldn't possibly know what this toy really does, simply curiosity killed the cat right? I can't help myself not to have a expect and meet what is going on nether that battery lid…Out come my little pack of screwdrivers,  yous know the ones just for the kids toys, right next to the big pack of batteries in the house just for this purpose!

And…what do we detect…100_2709 Yep, rust and information technology looks like some of the wires are about to fall off. Sure enough I get a Flair stare (hee hee, similar a superhero, I am going to tackle this project) Now, I know I have read on the internet about getting some baking soda and some type of astringent to make bubbling to remove rust… well, vinegar didn't piece of work, even cocacola did not work (hmm you would call up !)(I take witness many motorcar-mechanics with a can of coke tackle a car battery…why non work here? I don't know, merely what did work was a little baking soda and lemon juice and a crumpled upwardly piece of aluminum foil, I scrubbed with a toothbrush and then with the aluminum and wiped information technology all down with a paper towel.


Well, after all that scrubbing, one of the little metal pieces that twirl around to hold the battery in place and requite information technology it's charge, falls autonomously.. then its ruined right? Wrong, Flair Stare …Yup again! Now, this time I know I have some earring making wire somewhere in another room. After my trampling all over the house to discover my bag of jewelry making supplies, I find it – Yes! Earing wire. I loop it through the erstwhile spot where the wire was, and twirl it around to make it look like the former bombardment cable thing…and by George I recall she's got information technology!..eureka!


Yep, isn't it a beauty! The batteries fit just fine and you know what – It WORKS! Oh my kids are going to exist so excited to play with this toy, information technology does whistle and talks and information technology makes that all aboard audio, almost of all fun it does the chugga chugga sounds.

Although, after writing this blog, I establish a site where a father had some troubles with his too, with what looked like water in the battery compartment and I am shocked by his video, that it will actually steam, and do so much more than I idea. I volition have to cheque those things out tomorrow for the kids. One of the things, I was most interested in, equally I thought the h2o would have come up from a child on accident, seems the water probably came from the steam compartment and non-compliance with where to put the water.  I wonder if at that place was a recollect on this toy for those issues…hmm something else to wait up. Well, for the meantime, I am happy for my children to be able to ride on this toy and savour the sounds, where there was none earlier!

The point of my weblog on this battery compartment fix, was to allow others to have the noesis that just because it looks broken, doesn't mean yous can't fix it yourself and possibly go a piffling more than use out of a favorite toy for your niggling ones.

Lisa Borrego 2/5/ 2014

If you may exist interested in the video I found on this toy and what it does, and how it possibly got water in it –


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