
Rune Factory 4 Special is coming to PC | PC Gamer - gibbswremn1939

Rune Factory 4 Particular is coming to PC

Rune Factory 4 is almost a decade old, at this signal. It first released on the 3DS in 2021, in front last year's Rune Factory 4 Special made the jump to the Nintendo Switch. It's too, reported to old series fans, the best of the bunch—a potent confection of Harvest Moonshine-style farming and socializing and action-RPG adventuring. There have been plenty of farming sims along PC in the finis some years in the rouse of Stardew Valley, merely none have so thoroughly homogenized genres as Rune Factory, which makes today's newsworthiness that Rune Factory 4 Special is hitting Microcomputer a real delight.

In a pok during the Coming Games Express today, publisher XSeed announced Rune Factory 4 Special is headed to Steam (as well as PS4, Xbox One and Series X/S). XSeed besides brought a trailer for the upcoming Rune Factory 5, which looks equivalent a huge visual communication leaping for the series. Makes sense, considering RF4's 3DS origins.

Runic letter Manufacturing plant 5, lamentably, has simply been announced for the Nintendo Replacement for rude 2022. But if you aim to exist a completionist in Rune Manufactory 4 Special, IT may well hold you finished until then.

Rune Manufacturing plant 4 Special releases on Steam this fall.

Wes Fenlon

Wes has been covering games and hardware for more 10 years, first at technical school sites like The Wirecutter and Tested before joining the PC Gamer team up in 2014. Wes plays a trifle bit of everything, simply he'll always jump out at the fortune to cover emulation and Japanese games. When he's not obsessionally optimizing and re-optimizing a tangle of conveyor belts in Cheering (it's really seemly a problem), He's likely performin a 20-yr-familiar RPG or some opaque ASCII roguelike. With a focus on writing and redaction features, he seeks out person-to-person stories and in-depth histories from the corners of PC gaming and its niche communities. 50% pizza pie aside volume (deep-water smasher, to be specialized).


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