
Final Fantasy 14's Naoki Yoshida teases what's to come after Endwalker | PC Gamer - gibbswremn1939

Ultimate Fantasy 14's Naoki Yoshida teases what's to come after Endwalker

(Image course credit: Quadrate Enix)

Final Fantasy 14: Endwalker is doing something bad unheard of in the MMO writing style: It's bringing an end to the write up. Since it launched in 2010 (and was later remade into the much-improved A Realm Reborn in 2013), Final Fantasy 14 has slow been construction toward a planet-sized showdown between the Warriors of Light (the players) and the complicated-but-more often than not-injurious Ascians—or what's left of them, anyway.

The story of previous expansions has typically bled o'er into the post-launch updates that put out every few months after that expansion's launch. But not Endwalker. Everything will resolve during the main story campaign, and its office-plunge updates wish alternatively focus connected a spic-and-span story spark. IT's anyone's guess what is going to happen, and I couldn't resist the urge to ask halt director Naoki Yoshida about it.

"With the 10 year-plus chronicle, we were able to bind off a lot of loose ends and with the climax there will personify many questions that are answered and people will sympathise the abstract thought behind a lot of things that have been present throughout the story," Yoshida told me. "With that being said, in that location are areas within planet Hydaelyn where we haven't explored yet. In that location are continents that have got yet to be discovered, areas that have withal to beryllium explored. There's possibilities there. And with the story of Shadowbringers, we erudite that the Quartz Towboa Acts arsenic a portal non just to the distant Realms, including The First and those that have been divided by the Sundered, but information technology can buoy also tolerate us to travel in time arsenic well so we can go back to the past and coming also. So there's still a great deal of possibilities left."

IT's a vague teaser, but as someone that's been playing FF14 for those 11 years, I find those possibilities tantalizing—especially the idea that meter traveling to a different era of Eorzea's story mightiness be on the table.

Because Endwalker's story is largely about an impending Apocalypse, I was curious to know if the climax would lead to anything cosmos-changing. When Final Fantasize 14's original variation first went offline, for representative, Hearty Enix wrote it into the story that the quondam world was obliterated by a giant dragon encased in a moon—a cool (and convenient) way to explain whol the geographical changes in relaunched version. That won't happen over again, Yoshida says. "You wouldn't see a case where right after Endwalker everyone is active to have amnesia Oregon the meteor—Dalamud—comes down one more time and the domain is war-worn once more. We South Korean won't have those incidents again, rest assured."

 "We have zero intention of negating all that has happened [in the history]," Yoshida added. "We don't want to negate the adventure that you went on, the characters that you met along the way, and the achievements that you've accomplished throughout your journey. So when we are looking at to that modulation and moving overfamiliar to the next chapter of that story, it's safe to seize that this is still taking direct in the same universe and then to speak."

It's exciting that Final Fantasise 14 is happening the sceptre of such a major transition—not just because I'm anxious to learn how information technology all ends, but also to discover what new story Square Enix wants to tell later. But, due to the Covid-19 general, Endwalker is also launching few months behind docket on November 23. That's a pretty long gap that players will have to hold, especially since the concluding of Shadowbringer's story patches is landing this week. To serve pass the time, Yoshida strongly recommends replaying some of the main story from all the previous expansions and A Realm Regenerate.

"We coiffe have a newgame-plus mode," Yoshida says. "Thus you prat plump back and caper the chapters of the previous expansions and the main story, so that IT's fresh in your storage when you jump into Endwalker. I feel the like that will help with the enjoyment."

"By now I'm steady you're acquainted with characters like Lahabrea and Elidibus, merely they've been around for a long time," Yoshida added. "Some of the dialogue that they said might carry a different meaning after experiencing what you know from Shadowbringers and going back and revisiting the earlier parts of the story. Maybe another key thing to look out for is when Hydaelyn calls out to you, and how galore times she's called upon you. Too the problem quests, approximately people might have skipped over them, only there are exit to be a lot of characters that are going to make an appearance [in Endwalker] and that mightiness be a good aim to bet at from a story live as well."

Final Phantasy 14: Endwalker launches on November 23, 2021. People who preorder can spring in a few days earlier, though.

Steven Messner

With o'er 7 years of experience with in-depth have reporting, Steven's mission is to chronicle the fascinating shipway that games intersect our lives. Whether it's colossal in-game wars in an MMO, or long-drag truckers who turn to games to protect them from the loneliness of the open road, Steven tries to excavate Microcomputer gaming's superlative much stories. His love of PC gambling started extremely early. Without money to spend, he spent an entire day watching the progress BAR on a 25mb download of the Heroes of Might and Wizardly 2 demo that He then played for at least a 100 hours. It was a good demonstration.


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